
Gas network

We ensure a reliable supply – from Lower Saxony to Lake Constance.

Telecommunications network

Our fibre optics network provides a telecommunications infrastructure with strong broadband performance.

Hydrogen network

We are securing the connection to the European and national hydrogen infrastructure.

About us

Learn more about our company.


Where we want to go and how we would like to develop.

Hydrogen initiative for BW

We network players from politics, industry and society.

Open positions

Become part of our team – here you will find our open positions!

Working at terranets bw

How we work, what we offer and how you can make a difference.

Our locations

Discover more about the work at all ten locations.

Internships and training

Discover what we offer in way of internships, traineeships and apprenticeships.


Here you will find current information and press releases.

Current press releases

Press releases

Market information

Network development projects

We provide transparent information on our expansion measures

Current gas supply situation

As an operator of critical infrastructure, we provide information on the supply situation.

Media centre

We share photos for editorial use.

Sechs Seitenbäume (Baumaschinen) senken ein Rohrstrang in den Rohrgraben ab

How we secure the supply of energy for our customers

Germany is on the way to climate neutrality. terranets bw is part of this transformation. For the energy transition to succeed, an efficient gas transport system is needed. While expanding renewable energies, we are securing the energy supply with gas. We are implementing all expansion measures "H2 ready" and thus making a significant contribution to a climate-neutral energy supply. 

As a gas transmission system operator and future hydrogen network operator, we are actively shaping the future of energy. The integrated gas and hydrogen network development plan is the roadmap for the necessary conversion of our energy infrastructure. In addition to the necessary conversion and expansion of the gas infrastructure, the nationwide planning now also includes the development of an efficient hydrogen infrastructure. 

To the gas network development plan:

To the gas and hydrogen network development plan:

With natural gas, we are securing the supply of energy while ramping up renewables and are thus enabling the phase-out of nuclear power and coal.  And this is the reason we are developing and extending our gas infrastructure in line with demand. Within this process, we place great importance on an early dialogue and close exchange with communities, districts and local inhabitants. All repurposing and development measures are hydrogen-ready and are therefore creating the decisive requirements for a CO2 neutral supply of energy.

Dr. Daniel Pietzka, Head of Planning, Projects and Construction

Current information

Neue Transportleitung für Erdgas und Wasserstoff: Gesamte SEL ist planfestgestellt

Letzte ausstehende Planfeststellung für den Bau der insgesamt 250 Kilometer langen SEL erteilt | Meilenstein für die…

[Translate to English:] Einladung zu den Infomärkten in Heidelberg und Spechbach

terranets bw informiert über den Wegerechtserwerb für die SEL zwischen Heidelberg und Hüffenhardt

Pressemeldung: Wegbereiter für die Energiewende

Wichtiger Meilenstein für die Energiewende in Baden-Württemberg | Erster Abschnitt der SEL ist in Betrieb | Als Teil des…

Current projects

South German natural gas pipeline

Construction in sections – depending on demand trends in the next 10 years.

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Neckarenztal pipeline

Supply security in Baden-Württemberg will be significantly increased with the new gas transmission pipeline.

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Spessart-Odenwald pipeline

The new gas pipeline in Hesse secures the supply of energy even when demand increases.

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Gas compressor station on the Nordschwarzwald pipeline

We increase transmission capacity and security of supply through gas compression.

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Gas compression station in Scharenstetten

Two powerful new engines form important nodal points in our transmission system.

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Nordschwarzwald pipeline

Since 2016, a significant contribution to increasing gas shipping capacity for Baden-Württemberg.

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Learn more


Our planning up to 2030

+ 10 %
gas pipelines
corresponds to approx. 275 km
+ 50 %
compression power
corresponds to approx. 45 MW

Please contact us

We are happy to help you.

Dr. Daniel Pietzka

Head of planning, projects
and construction

Dr. Daniel Pietzka

+49 711 7812 1334

pipeline information

Before beginning construction works in the vicinity of our infrastructure, you will need to obtain exact information on the course of the pipeline in time.

The BIL online portal provides you with free information:

Click here for pipeline information
