Since October 2022, terranets bw has been publishing a weekly report on the current gas supply status. In addition to selected information from the Federal Network Agency´s report, terranets bw also provides information on gas flows in its network area along with the storage level at Sandhausen. Previous reports are available in our archive.
On a monthly basis, terranets bw evaluates the natural gas consumption in its transmission system.
The Federal Network Agency publishes a current situation report daily. This report includes information about the gas flows from Russia and the filling levels of the German storage facilities. As a transmission system operator, terranets bw is a member of the national gas crisis team. terranets bw provides information on the consumption structure for its supply area for this situation report.
Die Bundesnetzagentur veröffentlicht jährlich einen Rückblick über die Gasversorgung. Dort sind Daten zum Gasverbrauch, Temperatur, Import, Export und Gasflüssen zusammengefasst.
The market area monitor of the Trading Hub Europe shows all gas shipping data in and out of the market area.
An overview of European gas flows are provided by the ENTSOG GASFLOW DASHBOARD.
The GIE transparency platform shows an overview of European LNG imports.
GIE ALSI (Aggregated LNG Storage Inventory)
The levels of all European gas storage facilities are published on the GIE transparency platform.
GIE AGSI (Aggregated Gas Storage Inventory)
The DVGW publishes daily updated gas storage levels for Germany as well as a weather-depended consumption forecast and storage range.
The supply situation is less tense after the winter of 2023/2024.
In principle, an efficient infrastructure must always be in place to ensure security of supply. As part of its responsibility for gas transport, terranets bw therefore continues to make its contribution to the future energy supply in close coordination with all parties involved. Reducing consumption remains important.
Find out more:
To the article Review of winter 2023/2024
In their winter review 2023/2024, the German transmission system operators (TSOs) take a look at the past months and take stock.
The key findings are:
With the newly created regulations on minimum filling levels and the security platform, important emergency processes were already created in 2022 that contribute to guaranteeing the energy supply and are continuously optimised.
As part of their responsibility for transport, the TSOs continue to contribute to a secure energy supply in close cooperation with all parties involved.
Find out more:
The Emergency Plan for Gas regulates how to handle an impending or occurring gas supply crisis taking into account various laws (e.g. SoS Regulation for natural gas, Energy Industry Act).
The Emergency Plan for Gas identifies tasks and roles as well as the crisis coordination and communication of natural gas supply companies, commercial gas customers and authorities for each crisis level.
At an event on 14.09.2022, the Federal Network Agency provided information on the security platform. In this context, the agency also shared its understanding of its role as federal load dispatcher. It also explained the procedure for the case that shutdowns become necessary. The event document is published at: Federal Network Agency - Information Event on the Security Platform Gas
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate action (BMWK) announced the early warning level of the Emergency Plan for Gas in Germany on 30 March 2022.
Press release and FAQs of the BMWK (30.03.2022)
terranets bw informs: BWMK announces the early warning level of the Emergency Plan for Gas (30.03.2022)
Fundamentally, grid operators are obliged to ensure the operation of safe and reliable grids within the scope of their system responsibility according to the Energy Industry Act (EnWG). Based on sections 15, 16 and 16a of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG), transmission system operators and distribution system operators play a significant role in securing the supply of gas. In the event of an acute shortage situation and a triggering of the emergency level according to the Emergency Plan for Gas, sovereign emergency rights are granted to the federal load dispatching centre.
For implementing section 16 (2) of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG), the legislator does not stipulate any detailed criteria for grid operators for deciding which measures are to be taken or to what extent or with which parties in order to eliminate the hazardous or disruptive situation as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The grid operators have some room for assessing their actions within the customer groups of both non-protected and protected customers. The BDEW has drawn up application guidelines for grid operators for implementing section 16 (2) of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) in the time of tension leading up to the occurrence of an Energy Security Act (EnSiG) case. This application support is published in the member section of the BDEW. To the application support in the Plus-Section (BDEW)
To calculate the natural gas consumption in the network areas of terranets bw, volumes are recorded that are transmitted from the network area to directly connected distribution system operators in Germany and neighbouring countries as well as to industrial end-consumers per month. Volumes injected into or withdrawn from storage facilities in the network areas are not taken into consideration in this natural gas consumption.
terranets bw publishes the natural gas consumption for its network areas Baden-Württemberg and Hesse in its gas supply status report on a monthly basis.
The Sandhausen storage facility is the only underground storage facility in Germany that exists for grid purposes. This means it is exclusively used for stabilising the network and for securing supply. This occurs predominantly when consumption fluctuates in the gas transmission system, for example when offtake is high due to very cold temperatures. The Sandhausen storage facility has a total working gas capacity of 30 million m3, meaning around 150,000 households in Baden-Württemberg can be supplied with natural gas for one month.
The storage level of the Sandhausen storage facility is published in the terranets bw status report on a weekly basis.
In accordance with Section 53a of the Energy Act (EnWG), protected customers include household customers along with additional end-consumers in the natural gas distribution system, basic social services (such as, for example, hospitals, preventive care and rehabilitation facilities and inpatient care facilities, fire services and police) as well as district heating plants. In the case of a gas shortage, the gas supply to protected customers can only be reduced if non-protected customers were previously disconnected and additional measures are nevertheless required. Non-protected customers include, for example, industrial companies.
In September 2022, the Federal Network Agency also published a definition of the essential needs of protected and non-protected customers in a national gas shortage at Current supply status > Background information veröffentlicht.
Network area of terranets bw
In the network area of terranets bw – in the networks of the 63 directly connected distribution system operators – approximately 25 % of the customers are not protected. This means around 75 % are protected customers. 22 industrial end-consumers are connected to the network.
Network coupling points (German: NKP) refer to connections between the terranets bw network and distribution systems via which households, trade and industry are supplied. Network connection points (German: NCP) refer to direct connections between the terranets bw network and the directly connected industrial end-consumers.
Status: 01.01.2022 | NKP | NAP |
Share of non-protected customer | 23% | 92%* |
Share of system-relevant power stations | 4% | 0% |
Share of protected customers | 73% | 8% |
* Share of protected customers related to industrial end-consumers, e.g. heating supply of a hospital via a combined heat and power plant (CHP)