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​​​​​​​More shipping capacity through new compressor station

Gas travels thousands of kilometres in international and national pipelines before reaching consumers. Thanks to compressor stations, gas is compressed and its pressure increased. This means that more gas can be transported through the pipeline. The shipping capacity of the pipeline increases – and therefore also the security of supply.

Our new gas compressor station on the Nordschwarzwald pipeline is being built in Rheinstetten in the Hardtwald south of the radio mast between the L566, the B3 and the A5. Construction began in the autumn of 2021. Commissioning is planned for 2025.

Data and facts

Construction of the gas compressor station on the Nordschwarzwald pipeline

März 2025: Anlage wird begrünt

Bald startet der Frühling, daher wurde mit der Aufforstung auf und rund um das Gelände der Verdichterstation begonnen. Um das Stationsgelände wurde in den vergangenen Tagen Bäume gepflanzt. Auf dem Gelände wird in Zukunft wilder Wein blühen.

Die Arbeiten für die Inbetriebnahme der Verdichtereinheiten schreiten zügig voran. Parallel dazu wird der Rückbau der Baustelleneinrichtungsfläche vorbereitet.

Sobald Container und Arbeitsgeräte verschwunden sind, wird die Fläche wiederhergestellt, sodass eine landwirtschaftliche Nutzung erneut möglich sein wird. 

Nachdem der Zaun um das Gelände errichtet wurde, wird die abschließende Vermessung des Geländes und der Fläche stattfinden, die terranets bw für den Betrieb der Verdichterstation braucht. Außerdem wurde die E-Ladestation auf dem Gelände in Betrieb genommen.

Dezember 2024: Rheinstettens Oberbürgermeister besucht Baustelle

Mitte Dezember machte sich Sebastian Schrempp, Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Rheinstetten, vor Ort selbst ein Bild der Anlage. Projektleiterin Susanne Kurschat und Dr. Daniel Pietzka, Bereichsleiter Planung, Projekte und Bau von terranets bw, informierten zu den Fortschritten der Gasverdichterstation. Kurz vor dem Besuch wurde das gesamte Stationsgelände, einschließlich Nebenanlagen, mit Gas bespannt. Das Stationsgelände ist nun mit Gas gefüllt, damit ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung für die Inbetriebnahme der Verdichtereinheiten geschaffen.

Leittechnik, Armaturengruppen und Gasdruckregelanlage sowie die Elektrotechnik sind ebenfalls fertiggestellt. 
Auch auf dem Außengelände der Gasverdichterstation hat sich in den letzten Monaten einiges getan: Die Pflasterung ist abgeschlossen und die Asphaltarbeiten schreiten weiter voran. Die fehlende Deckschicht wird im Frühjahr aufgetragen. Die zusätzliche Baustraße für die Armaturengruppe wurde zurückgebaut. Für die Bepflanzung im Frühjahr wird das Areal der Gasverdichterstation bereits vorbereitet. 

[Translate to English:] Gasverdichterstation Nordschwarzwaldleitung: Drohnenaufnahme Außenbereich
[Translate to English:] Gasverdichterstation Nordschwarzwaldleitung: Außenbereich

August 2024: Eco-friendly outdoor measures

A lot has been happening around the new gas compressor station in Rheinstetten in recent months. The asphalt work that has started at the gas compressor station is visible from the outside. In addition, permanent fences are being erected to replace the construction fences that previously bordered the site.

The lighting for the facility is also gradually being installed. To protect the environment, no permanent lighting will be installed. Instead, safety lamps with motion detectors and insect-friendly lighting will be used within the facility. The aerial photos also show the roof area of the plant building, which will be further greened - another measure to protect the environment.

[Translate to English:] Gasverdichterstation Nordschwarzwaldleitung: Letzte Vorbereitungen für den Probebetrieb mit Gas
[Translate to English:] Gasverdichterstation Nordschwarzwaldleitung: Letzte Vorbereitungen für den Probebetrieb mit Gas

April 2024: Final preparations for gas testing

Spring is on its way and the outdoor facilities of the new gas compressor station can be completed by summer. The site is being filled in to further reduce the gradient to Panzerstrasse and the site roads are being completed. Embankments and vegetation are being planted and a fence is being erected around the new gas compressor station.

Progress is also being made on the inside: all four machine halls are electrically and mechanically complete and ready for gas testing. The fire and gas detection systems have also been installed. 

Work on the interior of the plant building has also progressed. Following the interior work, the IT and telecommunications systems are currently being installed.

January 2024: The interior is under construction

A lot has happened in the last few months: The piping in the four machine halls has been finished. This means that all the turbines are now electrically and mechanically complete. After oil flushing, they are ready for hot commissioning. Commissioning of the auxiliary plant is also progressing. The medium voltage system was the first to be successfully approved by TÜV in November, while other systems are currently being completed and prepared for acceptance. The last remaining work is being carried out on the energy centre building. Interior work on the operations building is also well advanced. The building is expected to be fully completed in March 2024. 


In October 2023, the leak test of the last outdoor pipelines was successfully completed. Much remains to be done. More cables need to be laid and many ancillary systems need to be commissioned before the machine units can be tested. As soon as the power supply is stable, the entire plant will be fumigated. 

The exterior is also taking shape: The site is gradually being filled in. The station roads have also been laid. Roads and fences should be completed by spring.


November 2023: Construction site tour with regional gas distribution network operator Netze Südwest

Netze Südwest, the largest regional gas distribution network operator under the state regulatory authority in Baden-Württemberg, is directly connected to the transport network of terranets bw with its networks in North Baden and Upper Swabia. With its work and its facilities at around 74,000 exit points, it ensures a secure and reliable gas supply for its customers.

On November 30, 2023, around 30 colleagues from the regional gas distribution network operator took a tour of the Rheinstetten site with project manager Susanne Kurschat to find out how the gas compressor station works and its importance for a secure energy supply.

Gas compressor station on the Nordschwarzwald pipeline – Construction site open day

Comprehensive Measures for Environmental and Nature Protection

To minimize the impact on nature and the environment, terranets bw takes numerous precautions. The existing natural and landscape conditions were thoroughly examined and considered in the planning of the gas compressor station in Rheinstetten.

Based on the investigation results, measures were derived to avoid or reduce environmental impacts. Unavoidable, permanent impacts are compensated through appropriate measures.

  • Enhancement of the existing forest by combating late-flowering bird cherry and planting oak forests
  • Enhancement of a pond
  • Enhancement of the landscape protection area
  • Reforestation to replace lost forest areas
  • Protection of bat maternity roosts
  • Installation of nesting boxes and breeding aids for birds and bats
  • Removal of currently sealed surfaces

During the construction of the gas compressor station in Rheinstetten, terranets bw implements various measures to protect the environment.

  • Enhancement of the existing forest edge
  • Insect-friendly lighting
  • Recultivation of areas used during construction
  • Adjustment of the compressor station’s location to preserve as much of the forest edge as possible as a guiding structure for bats and as a natural visual barrier
  • Noise protection concept to reduce noise emissions
  • Protection of reptiles and amphibians during the construction period
  • Installation of a green roof


September 2023

Energiewendetage Baden-Württemberg 2023
Tag der offenen Baustelle

September 2022

Energiewendetage Baden-Württemberg 2022
Tag der offenen Baustelle

September 2021

terranets bw begins building the gas compressor station

August 2021

Freiburg Regional Council grants terranets bw approval for building the gas compressor station on the Nordschwarzwald pipeline Pressemitteilung des RP Freiburg

July 2021

Information meeting within the scope of the online consultation (Freiburg Regional Council)

Questions and answers

  • What is a gas compressor station?

    What is a gas compressor station?

    In a gas compressor station, gas is compressed and its pressure increased. This means more gas can be transported through the pipeline. The shipping capacity of the pipeline increases – and therefore also security of supply for consumers. In Germany, there are about 70 gas compressor stations that are operated in particular in the case of increased capacity demand – which is primarily in winter time.

  • How does a gas compressor station work?

    How does a gas compressor station work?

    Travelling through underground pipelines, gas reaches the compressor station with a pressure of 40 bar. Firstly, dust and moisture are filtered out. And then the gas is passed into the compressor and there brought to the required pressure. A turbine or electric engine supplies the energy needed for the compression process. 
    During compression, the gas heats up to 70 °C and is therefore fed through gas coolers that cool it back down to operating temperature. The gas is then fed through a measuring section before being injected back into the transmission system of terranets bw with a pressure of 80 bar. 

  • Why is a gas compressor station needed on the Nordschwarzwald pipeline?

    Why is a gas compressor station needed on the Nordschwarzwald pipeline?

    Regional grid operators connected to terranets bw´s transmission system (e. g. utilities) have been reporting constantly increasing demand for gas shipping capacity for years. By 2030, the demand in Baden-Württemberg will rise by about 30 % compared to 2020. For the entire terranets bw network, a demand increase of 24 percent is expected. The reason for this trend is the fuel switch from coal and oil to gas, the related rising demand from gas-fired power stations and in the heating market as well as new connections and developments. 

    The Federal Network Agency has confirmed that the new construction of the gas compressor station is needed for security of supply in Baden-Württemberg with the approval of the Gas Network Development Plan 2022. All Network Development Plans are published on the website of the association of transmission system operators at

  • How was the location for the gas compressor station selected?

    How was the location for the gas compressor station selected?

    Site selection was preceded by detailed studies, in which terranets bw took into account legal stipulations and technical requirements as well as a wide range of influencing factors. These include protected areas, distances to residential buildings, land use plans and information provided by the communities. After intensive assessment and in close exchange with local authorities and associations, a location was selected for the new compressor station. Special consideration was also given to maintaining a low visibility of the system. During the approval process, the Freiburg Regional Council, as competent approval authority, decided that the station could be built and operated at the proposed site.

  • Who approves construction and operation of a gas compressor station?

    Who approves construction and operation of a gas compressor station?

    Construction and operation of gas compressor station requires public-law permission according to the Federal Immission Control Act (German: BImSchG). The competent approval authority is the Freiburg Regional Council. In order to achieve broad consensus with all stakeholders, terranets bw involved the affected communities and other stakeholders at an early stage.

  • Who is responsible for building the gas compressor station?

    Who is responsible for building the gas compressor station?

    Transmission system operators in Germany are obliged to guarantee a future-proof supply of gas by developing their network. As an independent transmission system operator for gas in Baden-Württemberg, terranets bw is responsible for building the gas compressor station.

  • How much space does a gas compressor station need?

    How much space does a gas compressor station need?

    When operational, the planned gas compressor station needs an area of approx. 2.4 ha (24,000 m²). This is roughly equivalent to the size of three football fields. During construction, additional land is temporarily needed for setting up the construction site and for the storage of building equipment and material.

  • What restrictions can be expected during the construction phase?

    What restrictions can be expected during the construction phase?

    For construction, additional areas are temporarily occupied for setting up the construction site and for the storage of building equipment and materials.

    An increased volume of traffic can be expected because of deliveries along the access roads. As soon as the building works have been completed, the areas that were temporarily occupied (for setting up construction site and storing building equipment and material as well as the access roads) will be restored to their original state and can be used for their original purpose once again. Damage to land and vegetation caused by this temporary use will be compensated at the fixed rates.

  • Is noise pollution expected near the gas compressor station?

    Is noise pollution expected near the gas compressor station?

    When operating a gas compressor station, the noise pollution at the fence of the system corresponds to about 60 dB(A). This is comparable to a television set at room volume. The noise pollution at a distance of 350 m is then about 35 dB(A). This complies with statutory limits for a quiet residential area. The distance between the planned gas compressor station and the nearest residential area will be more than 350 m. Generally, the local noise situation is largely influenced by the neighbouring roads (A5, L566, K3581).

    During the planning process, expert opinions are prepared regarding the noise emissions that can be expected. The results of these expert opinions serve to determine and dimension the noise protection measures required to comply with the statutory noise protection limits.

  • Who checks the safety of the gas compressor station?

    Who checks the safety of the gas compressor station?

    Operation and maintenance are carried out by qualified specialists employed by terranets bw. The gas compressor station is monitored and controlled, as is the whole transmission system of terranets bw, by a dispatching centre that is manned 24/7. 

    Compliance with legal and technical regulations is monitored by the state energy supervisory authority. Modifications must be inspected and signed-off by state certified experts. The supervisory authority for terranets bw is the State Mining Directorate (German: Landesbergdirektion) of the Freiburg Regional Council.

  • How long will it take to construct the gas compressor station?

    How long will it take to construct the gas compressor station?

    Constructing and commissioning a gas compressor station normally take about two years. This period includes land development, erecting the buildings, installing the compression equipment as well as restoring open spaces on the station site.

    Construction began in the autumn of 2021 after receiving approval. Commissioning is planned for 2025.

  • How does terranets bw guarantee that the surroundings and environment are protected during construction?

    How does terranets bw guarantee that the surroundings and environment are protected during construction?

    Throughout the whole planning and construction process, terranets bw takes numerous precautions to minimise the impact on nature and on the environment. At the start of the planning phase, terranets bw takes a detailed inventory of the landscape and surrounding nature and assesses the impact on plants, animals, ground, water, climate/air, landscape and people as well as on cultural assets.

    Measures were derived from the study results to avoid and reduce the impact on the environment, which meant that the compressor station location, access and gas connection pipeline were adapted to avoid disruption of the forest edge as far as possible. The edge of the forest serves as a guiding structure for bats and additionally acts as a natural screen for the gas compressor station. Permanent lighting at the gas compressor station will also be avoided and insect-friendly lighting will be used. Measures to protect reptiles and amphibians will be implemented during the construction phase.

    Unavoidable, permanent impairments will be compensated by corresponding measures (compensation measures). In addition to planting new trees, nesting boxes and hatching aids for birds and bats are planned for example, as well as upgrading a humid biotope in Rheinstetten.

  • What emissions are produced in operation?

    What emissions are produced in operation?

    Derived from empirical values for operating times at the terranets bw compressor stations, weather conditions over the last few years and the planned control of the network after commissioning the new compressor station, terranets bw currently estimates 500 to 2,000 operating hours per year. This assumption includes the sum of operating hours for all machine units (three gas turbines, one electric engine). The local CO2 emissions of one machine unit operated with a gas turbine amount to about 4,000 kg per operating hour. By using the electrically-powered machine unit, the local CO2 emissions are reduced.  The level of CO2 emissions depends on the respective distribution of electricity generation. Using only machine units that are powered by a gas turbine produces 2,000 t to 8.000 t of local CO2 emissions per year. 

    terranets bw also uses a recompressor system at the gas compressor station in Rheinstetten. This is an additional measure taken by terranets bw to avoid methane emissions when operating the system. 
    Small amounts of methane escape at the drive shafts of the compressor units, which cannot be avoided completely. However, this methane is collected in a collection system and injected back into the transmission system with the recompression system. All other components of the compression system are technically sealed so that no methane emissions can escape.


Here you will find all relevant information and downloads related to the gas compressor station on the Nordschwarzwald pipeline.

  • Gas compressor station location

    Gas compressor station location

    Status: 05/2020

Please contact us

We are happy to help you.

Susanne Kurschat

Commercial Project Management
Compressor Station
Nordschwarzwald Pipeline

Susanne Kurschat

+49 711 7812 1257
