
Gas network

We ensure a reliable supply – from Lower Saxony to Lake Constance.

Telecommunications network

Our fibre optics network provides a telecommunications infrastructure with strong broadband performance.

The future of energy

We are preparing our networks for the transmission of climate-neutral, green gases and hydrogen.

About us

Learn more about our company.


Where we want to go and how we would like to develop.

Open positions

Become part of our team – here you will find our open positions!

Working at terranets bw

How we work, what we offer and how you can make a difference.

Our locations

Discover more about the work at all nine locations.

Internships and training

Discover what we offer in way of internships, traineeships and apprenticeships.

Current gas supply situation

As an operator of critical gas supply infrastructure, we would like to inform you about the current situation. 

Hydrogen initiative for BW

We are committed to connecting Baden-Württemberg to the European hydrogen infrastructure.

Emergency no. +49 711 7812 1220

Hazardous Incident Ordinance info. for Sandhaus Gas Storage Facility & Natural Gas Safety Data Sheet

Telecommunications network for Baden-WürttembergTelecommunications network for Baden-Württemberg

We create the networks for your data communication.

In Baden-Württemberg and worldwide.

terranets bw not only operates a comprehensive gas transmission network, but also a highly powerful communications infrastructure. Gas transmission is optimally controlled and monitored using our own fibre optics network.

And as an infrastructure provider, we also offer this to our customers – for connecting and efficiently operating our customers´ telecommunications.

Your benefits with terranets bw

Our plus in security:
With us, your data transmission is safe

Operating and building gas pipelines require the highest possible security standards. As a customer of our telecommunications network, you also benefit from this expertise. Because, for a start, our fibre optics network is located in our protective strip – an especially protected and secured area along our gas transmission system.

This means our fibre optics network infrastructure provides extremely high operational and failure security. And secondly, our pipeline network is permanently monitored, for example with regular network inspections from the air and on-site inspections along the pipeline routes. This is how we guarantee the highest possible protection for our networks.

Our driving force:
To strengthen our region economically

Providing high-speed internet throughout the whole of Baden-Württemberg is a decisive, economic factor for the future development of cities and communities – also far away from large urban areas.

Fast and redundant data connections with the highest levels of security are also essential for utility companies and regional energy companies. Both with regard to attractive, new business developments with resident business and industrial enterprises as well as for business and industrial parks.

As an infrastructure provider, we are investing in future-proof high-speed connections for Baden-Württemberg with our fast and flexible fibre optics network.

Test your data speed

With terranets bw you transmit your data at top speed. How fast is our data connection?
Test your data speed with our Speed Test.

17,3 Mbit/s


Your download speed is 23% under the maximum speed of 21 Gbit/s which you can reach with terraconnect.

4,8 Mbit/s


Your upload speed reaches only 13% of the speed of our product terraconnect.

1,2 s


Your PING time is 0,4.

With a comparable terranets bw connection your internet connection speed would be faster. In particular, you would benefit from a faster upload.

More about terraconnect

Repeat speedtest

The bandwidth of your internet connection can never be determined with 100 % accuracy as too many other factors influence the assessment. This includes, for example, the processor load of the measuring server and your current network utilisation. The measurement results can also deviate depending on the end device.

The connection type, for example WiFi or Bluetooth, can also influence the result. Please ensure that you do not access any other websites or download any files during the test. Close any background programs such as email or other web browsers to prevent interference during the test.

Our high-speed infrastructure for you and your customers

Our high-speed infrastructure for you and your customers

Here you will find all the benefits of our fibre optics infrastructure in detail

Data transmission through a terra-fiber per day

Terabyte per day
parallel VoIP calls
simultaneous film streams
in 720p
simultaneous music streams

Discover more about our products

We provide a wide range of fibre optics solutions for fast and redundant data connection as well as for transmitting your data. Discover more about our telecommunications products.

To the products

Please contact us

We are happy to help you.

Uwe Scharnagl

Key Account Manager

Uwe Scharnagl

+49 711 7812 1226

Contact now
