
Gas network

We ensure a reliable supply – from Lower Saxony to Lake Constance.

Telecommunications network

Our fibre optics network provides a telecommunications infrastructure with strong broadband performance.

Hydrogen network

We are securing the connection to the European and national hydrogen infrastructure.

About us

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Where we want to go and how we would like to develop.

Hydrogen initiative for BW

We network players from politics, industry and society.

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Working at terranets bw

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Current press releases

Press releases

Market information

Network development projects

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Current gas supply situation

As an operator of critical infrastructure, we provide information on the supply situation.

Media centre

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[Translate to English:] terranets bw Startseite[Translate to English:] terranets bw Startseite

We connect. Energy. Securely.

Your partner for the safe and secure transmission of gas and data

Welcome to terranets bw: We stand for the secure, efficient and environmentally-friendly transmission of gas and data. With extensive gas pipelines, a powerful fibre optics network and a comprehensive service portfolio. Discover more about us.

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Gas | Telecommunications | Services 

Energy grids for the future

With a powerful transmission system, we ensure a reliable supply. In future, we will transport hydrogen in our grid.

More about our gas network

Gas network for customers


terranets bw: We transport your gas. Independently and securely.

Gas | Telecommunications | Services 

We create the networks for your data communication.
In Baden-Württemberg and worldwide.

We do not only operate a comprehensive gas transport network, but also a highly efficient communications infrastructure.

More about our telecommunications network

Telecommunications for customers

terranets bw: telecommunication

Gas | Telecommunications | Services 

Our services: reliable and field-tested

We offer you a comprehensive portfolio of technical services that have been tried and tested, time and time again.

More about our services

terranets bw: services

Hydrogen core network: terranets bw implements central supply artery for hydrogen in Baden-Württemberg

With the approval of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) on October 22, 2024, the construction of the nationwide hydrogen core network will begin. The core network marks an important first step in the development of a hydrogen supply. A network covering around 9,000 kilometers is to be created by 2032. The core network includes further transport pipelines in Baden-Württemberg covering the eastern Swabian Alb, Upper Swabia, the eastern Lake Constance region, the Upper Rhine, Breisgau and the Mannheim/Karlsruhe region. The South German Natural Gas Pipeline (SEL) will be the central supply artery for hydrogen in Baden-Württemberg. Further expansion will take place as part of the integrated network development planning for gas and hydrogen. 

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H2 for BW | Flow | RHYn Interco | Demand surveys

Hydrogen: Paving the way for the energy transition

With our hydrogen-compatible infrastructure and the connection to European transport routes, we are creating the conditions for the climate-neutral supply of Baden-Württemberg as a business location. 

"Hydrogen for Baden-Württemberg" initiative

With our initiative, we are committed to connecting Baden-Württemberg to the European and national hydrogen infrastructure.

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Hydrogen für Baden-Württemberg - A terranets bw initiative

H2 for BW | Flow | RHYn Interco | Demand surveys

Flow - making hydrogren happen. The pipeline for hydrogen stretching from northeast to southwest.

With the "making hydrogen happen” project, the so-called Flow project, GASCADE, ONTRAS and terranets bw are planning a high-performance pipeline system for green hydrogen. Existing infrastructure will be used to connect international hydrogen markets with industrial customers in Europe. First pipeline sections could be converted as early as 2025 already, thus providing a significant building block in the European hydrogen ramp-up and the energy transition.

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Flow: making hydrogen happen

H2 for BW | Flow | RHYn Interco | Demand surveys

Cross-border transport of hydrogen: RHYn Interco connects France and Baden-Württemberg from 2028. 

Together with the French gas infrastructure operator GRTgaz and the distribution system operator bnNETZE, terranets bw is working on a cross-border transmission system for hydrogen. From 2028, the Upper Rhine region should thus gain access to the first H2 grid in Baden-Württemberg, which will transport hydrogen to 100 %.

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H2 für BW | Flow | RHYn Interco | Demand surveys

Demand surveys for an efficient hydrogen infrastructure

Information on the development of generation and consumption hubs is essential for the design of efficient energy networks. From February 7 to March 22, 2024, two national surveys were conducted to determine demand and generation capacities, which will be incorporated into the Germany-wide, integrated planning of electricity and gas networks (CH4 and H2). The aim: to build a sustainable hydrogen infrastructure.

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Hydrogen demand survey

We are shaping the energy system of the future

We ensure supply throughout the energy transition by developing our infrastructure in line with demand. With hydrogen-ready pipelines and an optimal connection to the European transmission system, we are creating the prerequisites for developing a hydrogen economy.

Network development projects


Current information

Neue Transportleitung für Erdgas und Wasserstoff: Gesamte SEL ist planfestgestellt

Letzte ausstehende Planfeststellung für den Bau der insgesamt 250 Kilometer langen SEL erteilt | Meilenstein für die…

Schilderpfahl an einem Feld mit Waldrand und Windrädern im Hintergrund

Baden-württembergische Wirtschaftsverbände, Kammern und Unternehmen fordern von der kommenden Bundesregierung rasche und…

Girls'Day 2025 bei terranets bw

On April 3, girls can discover technology at terranets bw and learn about careers in mechanics and electronics.

Do you want to stay up to date? Follow us on LinkedIn and YouTube

On her LinkedIn profile, Managing Director Katrin Flinspach shares articles on current topics in the energy industry as well as insights into the work at terranets bw - follow now!

Our company


Discover what we are doing to ensure the protection of people, nature and information.

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We are working today on the secure supply of energy for tomorrow. With close customer relations and a strong team.

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Are you curious about the energy industry and wish to make a difference in the world? We offer you a dynamic working environment and a crisis-proof job. Join us in shaping the energy transition!

Current open positions

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