Once a year, directly connected downstream grid operators order the maximum firm exit capacity that can be held available for the processing of transports within a market area for the respective following calendar year ("order year") in the upstream grid at grid coupling points or exit zones.
Discover more about the following topics below: internal orders, capacity adjustments, long-term forecasts and the definition of protected customers.
Once a year, directly connected downstream grid operators order the maximum exit capacity that can be held available at grid coupling points or exit zones in accordance with Sections 13, 14 of the Cooperation Agreement Gas. This order is to be placed between 01 June and 15 July of the current year for the subsequent calendar year (order year) respectively. Please submit your order via our customer portal ConnectCapacity.
terranets bw will reply to a complete, submitted internal order within 10 working days after the submission deadline with an acceptance or explanation for rejection. On granting acceptance of the internal order, terranets bw undertakes to provide the contractually agreed capacity at the grid coupling points or exit zones to your grid.
In the case that it becomes necessary to adjust the internal order during the year in accordance with Section 15 of the Cooperation Agreement Gas, you submit an amended internal order for the rest of the calendar year, beginning with the subsequent month.
For this capacity adjustment, please log on to our customer portal ConnectCapacity and apply for an adjustment to your internal order by the 10th working day of the previous month. terranets bw will reply to your adjusted internal order within 5 working days after receipt with an acceptance or explanation for rejection.
Please contact us if you have any questions on how to proceed further.
As part of the internal order, you as a directly connected downstream grid operator of terranets bw make a non-binding forecast of your demand for capacity or reserve capacity in accordance with Section 16 of the Cooperation Agreement. The long-term forecast is to be resubmitted in advance every odd calendar year for the 10 years following the order year. If information is available that suggests an increasing or decreasing capacity or reserve capacity demand in the 10 years following the order year, please adjust the forecast upwards or downwards accordingly.
Please submit your long-term forecast via our customer portal ConnectCapacity.
In the context of gas supply, the term protected customer (acc. to Section 53a of the Energy Act , German: EnWG) includes all end consumers whose consumption is metered using standard load profiles – i.e. besides household customers also small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the commercial, trade and service industries – as well as basic social services and amenities.
You will find further information here.
Capacity information on the internal orders of directly downstream grid operators for previous years are available here:
Kapazitätsangaben zu den internen Bestellungen 2020 - PDF
Kapazitätsangaben zu den internen Bestellungen 2020 - XLS
Kapazitätsangaben zu den internen Bestellungen 2019 - PDF
Kapazitätsangaben zu den internen Bestellungen 2019 - XLS
Kapazitätsangaben zu den internen Bestellungen 2018 - PDF
Kapazitätsangaben zu den internen Bestellungen 2018 - XLS
Kapazitätsangaben zu den internen Bestellungen 2017 - PDF
Kapazitätsangaben zu den internen Bestellungen 2017 - XLS
Kapazitätsangaben zu den internen Bestellungen 2016 - PDF
Kapazitätsangaben zu den internen Bestellungen 2016 - XLS
Kapazitätsangaben zu den internen Bestellungen 2015 - PDF
Kapazitätsangaben zu den internen Bestellungen 2015 - XLS