From the incremental capacity cycle 2023 - 2025 onwards, the German transmission system operators will charge a fee of €30,000 per market area border, type of request (incremental capacity or upgrade of existing capacity) and direction (entry or exit capacity) for their activities resulting from the submission of non-binding demand indications in accordance with Article 26 (11) of Regulation (EU) 2017/459 (NC CAM). Please note that the fee will also be charged if the transmission of the non-binding demand indication is not submitted to the applicants by the requesting party directly but by a third party (such as an adjacent, foreign TSO) (cf. point 37 BK9-22/042).
The approval by the Federal Network Agency and detailed information can be found in Decision BK9-22/042 or here.
Requests about incremental capacity can be made using the FNB Gas request form.