As an operator of a high-pressure gas pipeline network, you must meet high legal requirements. Our experts ensure that your network complies according to DVGW Code of Practice G 466-1. We inspect your pipeline network directly on site and by helicopter from the air, conduct inspections of built-up areas, check important operating points and test valves that they move freely. We inspect construction measures executed out by other companies and take care that the documentation of all work carried out is complete.
We are specialised in pigging to accurately locate issues and then rectify them through maintenance measures. In order to maintain the value of your pipelines in the longterm and significantly reduce maintenance and repair works, we recommend our measures for preventing corrosion as part of terranet bw´s cathodic corrosion protection.
With regular inspection and monitoring, you can protect yourself from expensive operational disruptions, unauthorised construction work can be stopped in time and leaks can be identified and reparied early. Benefit from our competence, gained over many decades of monitoring high-pressure gas pipelines and systems. Save your own resources, both personnel and costs, with the terranets bw team.