Are you planning a high-presure gas system? Do you wish to repair or expand your gas pressure control and and metering systems? Do your high-pressure gas pipelines have to be relocated because of construction work? Should your valve groups be automated?
Even experienced engineers are challenged by the many different and complex tasks involved in planning and constructing high-pressure gas systems.
Take advantage of our decades of experience in planning, construction and operation of high-pressure gas systems. Our experts can support you with your projects, from the project idea, to planning, implemetation, commissoning and handing over gas systems. Our specialists can advise you in every phase of your projects. They guarantee smooth technical processes and take care of coordinating all the trades involved, at the same time making sure that legal stipulations are observed. We offer you a one-stop service portfolio.
We are happy to draw up an offer individually tailored to your project. Because only the best is good enough for our customers. Our mission: to find the perfect solution for every customer – from the project idea all the way to commissoning.
Data sheet planning and construction of high-pressure gas systems