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Information about the new capacity fees with effect from 01.01.2023

For the Trading Hub Europe (THE) market area, the transmission system operators have determined the uniform tariff from 01.01.2023 on the basis of the REGENT 2021 decision of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).

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Pursuant to the ruling BK9-19/610 (REGENT 2021) of the Bundesnetzagentur the capacity fees for a firm freely allocable capacity with a term of one year for interconnection and storage-network points to be applied as of January 1st 2023 amounts to 6.03 €/(kWh/h)/a. Pursuant to the ruling BK9-19/610 (REGENT 2021) of the Bundesnetzagentur the preliminary capacity fees for a firm freely allocable capacity with a term of one year for internal order points and ultimate consumer points to be applied as of January 1st 2023 amounts as well to 6.03 €/(kWh/h)/a. Compared to the tariff of 4.82 EUR/(kWh/h)/a published in May 2022, this results in an approximately 25.1percent higher tariff for the booking of firm freely allocable entry and exit capacities in the THE market area.

Due to the geopolitical situation, it was assumed that gas flows would change in some cases and that the market would consequently adjust its booking behavior. In addition, the significant increase in the cost of fuel gas also led to an increase in fees. Already in the May calculation, due to the geopolitical situation, changed gas flows and adjusted market booking behaviour were assumed in part. In addition, the significantly increased costs for driving energy at that time were also taken into account. The further developments in the geopolitical situation, the resulting significant distortions in the European natural gas market and their consequences for the TSOs' booking and cost forecasts which were not yet foreseeable at the time of the May calculation, especially to the extent that occurred later, led to the need for a recalculation.

The capacity fee for a firm freely allocable capacity is valid from 1 January 2023 to 1 January 2024.

According to ongoing appeals procedures against REGENT the tariff may be adjusted. terranets bw GmbH will inform as soon as any relevant information is available.

Independently of this, there was also an adjustment of the fee for metering point operation.
