
Gas network

We ensure a reliable supply – from Lower Saxony to Lake Constance.

Telecommunications network

Our fibre optics network provides a telecommunications infrastructure with strong broadband performance.

Hydrogen network

We are securing the connection to the European and national hydrogen infrastructure.

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Hydrogen initiative for BW

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Press releases

Market information

Network development projects

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Current gas supply situation

As an operator of critical infrastructure, we provide information on the supply situation.

Media centre

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Launch of a consultation on the implementation of the Network Code on Interoperability and Data Exchange

Regulation (EU) 2015/703 (Network Code on Interoperability and Data Exchange) requires gas transmission system operators (TSOs) and the counterparties concerned to implement common data exchange solutions by 1 May 2016 and to use them from that date. Existing data exchange solutions currently in place to implement the data exchange requirements imposed by European legislative provisions [, most notably those on congestion management procedures (CMP), capacity allocation (NC CAM) and balancing (NC BAL),] may no longer be used after 1 May 2016 unless they have been approved for that purpose by the German federal regulator Bundesnetzagentur, and even approved solutions may only continue to be used for a limited period of time.


The German gas TSOs are now running a consultation to seek the views of all counterparties concerned about the common data exchange solutions requiring the approval of Bundesnetzagentur they think should continue to be used and included in the TSOs' applications for approval. The TSOs currently intend to apply for approval of an exception for the protocol AS2 and the format edifact to be used in document-based data exchange so that they can continue to be used alongside AS4 and edig@s XML after 1 May 2016.


Please submit your response to this consultation by 22 January 2016 at the latest. All consultation documents are available below.

Information on consultation


 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call Ms Claudia Wiehler on +49 711/7812-1343, who will be happy to provide assistance.
