
Gas network

We ensure a reliable supply – from Lower Saxony to Lake Constance.

Telecommunications network

Our fibre optics network provides a telecommunications infrastructure with strong broadband performance.

The future of energy

We are preparing our networks for the transmission of climate-neutral, green gases and hydrogen.

About us

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Where we want to go and how we would like to develop.

Open positions

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Working at terranets bw

How we work, what we offer and how you can make a difference.

Our locations

Discover more about the work at all nine locations.

Internships and training

Discover what we offer in way of internships, traineeships and apprenticeships.

Current gas supply situation

As an operator of critical gas supply infrastructure, we would like to inform you about the current situation. 

Hydrogen initiative for BW

We are committed to connecting Baden-Württemberg to the European hydrogen infrastructure.

Emergency no. +49 711 7812 1220

Hazardous Incident Ordinance info. for Sandhaus Gas Storage Facility & Natural Gas Safety Data Sheet


terranets bw informs

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Gemäß § 6 Ziff. 5  Kooperationsvereinbarung zwischen den Betreibern von in Deutschland gelegenen Gasversorgungsnetzen in…

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On the basis of § 9 para. 3 GasNZV, terranets bw GmbH will launch the additional tender for positive load flow…

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The nationwide market area conversion levy will be 0,00070874 €/kWh/h/d for the calendar year 2018, which corresponds to…

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Gemäß § 7 der Kooperationsvereinbarung in der Änderungsfassung vom 10.03.2017 (KoV IX) in Verbindung mit dem Leitfaden…

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terranets bw führt zum 1. Januar 2018 ein neues Produkt zur Stabilisierung der Gasversorgung in Baden-Württemberg bei…

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Pursuant to the ruling BK9-13/607 of the Bundesnetzagentur on the horizontal cost allocation mechanism (HoKoWä) dated…

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Wir treiben den Klimaschutz im Wärmemarkt voran

Bereits heute leistet die Gasbranche einen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz im…

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Die deutschen Fernleitungsnetzbetreiber veröffentlichen erstmals Marktnachfrageberichte gem. Artikel 26 der Verordnung…

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terranets bw GmbH publishes the preliminary entry tariff pursuant to the ruling BK9-13/607 of the Bundesnetzagentur on…

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On the basis of § 9 para. 3 GasNZV, terranets bw GmbH will launch the tender for positive load flow commitments for the…

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