According to Regulation (EC) 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on access to the natural gas transmission systems and in particular Chapter 3 of Annex 1 as amended on 10 November 2010, European transmission system operators are obliged to publish various regularly updated information in a common data format on their websites.
The following table provides an overview of the implemented transparency requirements and shows where the relevant information can be found on our website. Further publications according to Regulation (EC) 715/2009 Annex 1 Section 3.3 are available at ENTSOG Transparency platform
Annex I to Regulation (EG) 715/2009 | On our website |
3.1.2 a) A detailed description of the offered services and charges | Network access |
3.1.2 b) u. c) 1. Various shipping contracts and other significant documents | Network access / Transparency data |
3.1.2 c) Network codes / Standard conditions | Network codes / Cooperation Agreement Gas |
3.1.2 c) 2. Requirements for gas quality parameters | Significant points |
3.1.2 c) 3. Pressure requirements | Network interconnection points Entry / Network interconnection points Exit |
3.1.2 c) 4. Procedure for interruption of interruptible capacity | Cooperation Agreement Gas - GTCs and STCs |
3.1.2 d) Harmonised procedures applied when using the transmission system incl. definition of key terms | Cooperation Agreement Gas - GTCs and STCs |
3.1.2. e) Provisions on procedures for capacity allocation, congestion management, prevention of capacity hoarding and reuse | Prisma primary / Cooperations Agreement Gas - GTCs and STCs |
3.1.2 f) Rules for capacity trade on the secondary market towards transmission system operators | Cooperation Agreement Gas - GTCs and STCs |
3.1.2 g) Rules for balancing out volume deviations; Calculating balancing energy prices | Trading Hub Europe |
3.1.2 h) Flexibility and tolerance values without separate charge as well as with separate charge | Trading Hub Europe |
3.1.2 i) Detailed description of the gas network incl. system operators at interrconnection points / Names of adjacent grid operators | Technical desciption |
3.1.2 j) Connection rules | Network connection / Transparency information |
3.1.2 k) Information on emergency mechanisms | Crisis prevention |
3.1.2 l) Procedures agreed for interconnection points and concerning interoperability (if relevant), procedures for nomination and matching, other procedures for allocation and volume deviations including methods applied | Cooperation Agreement Gas - GTCs and STCs |
3.1.2 m) Description of methodology and procedure for calculating technical capacity | Procedure for calculating technical entry and exit capacties |
3.3.(1) a-e, 3.3.(4), 3.3.(5) Capacities, nominations and renominations, actual load flows, calorific values | |
3.3 (1) f) Planned and actual interruptions | Capacity-relevant maintenance measures / |
3.3 (1) g) Planned and unplanned interruptions | |
3.4 (1) and (2) Information on secundary trade | |
3.4 (3) Balancing services | Trading Hub Europe |
3.4 (4) Further flexibility services of the transmission system operator; here OFC | Trading Hub Europe |
3.4 (5) The gas volume in the network and forecast | Trading Hub Europe |
3.4 (6) User-friendly instruments for calculating tariffs | Charges |
According to Art. 29 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 of 16 March 2017 establishing a network code on harmonised transmission tariff structures, European transmission system operators are obliged to publish information prior to the annual auction.
The following table provides an overview of the implemented transparency requirements and shows where the relevant information can be found on our website.
Art. 29 (a) | Please see price list 2024 and price list 2025 To justify the amount of the multiplication factors, terranets bw GmbH refers to the Decision of the Federal Network Agency BK9-23/612 (MARGIT 2025). |
Art. 29 (b) | Please see price list 2024 and price list 2025 In Annex I of its Decision BK9-23/612 (MARGIT 2025), the Federal Network Agency determined the amount of the discount for interruptible capacity to be applied at the interconnection points. The methodology for calculating these discounts is described in section 7 of the MARGIT 2025 Decision. The methodology for calculating discounts for interruptible capacity at other points than interconnection points, such as storage points, was determined by the Federal Network Agency in Decision BK9-20/608 ("BEATE 2.0", section 3.2) of 16.10.2020. In this case, the interruption probability is derived from the data of the last three gas years of the respective entry or exit point. It is calculated as the ratio of the sum of the maximum interrupted capacity per day to the sum of the sold interruptible capacity on these days. The interruption probability is rounded up to full percentages. The applicable discount corresponds to the probability of interruption and is independent of the product duration. According to decision BK9-18/608, the safety margin is 10%. In its decision BK9-20/608 (BEATE 2.0), BNetzA has set the safety margin at other points than interconnection points in the H-gas network to 20% from 01.10.2021. With the planned Decision BK9-24/608 (BEATE 2.1), Decision BK9-20/608 is to be cancelled and the safety margin is to be reduced to 10% again with effect from 01.01.2025 to be in line with MARGIT 2025. The data required to calculate the discount (marketing and interruption of interruptible capacity) is available on the ENTSOG transparency platform. There were no interruptions at the points affected by BEATE 2.0; the discount for interruptible capacities at these points is 10%. For the discount amount for interruptible capacities in the calendar year 2025, terranets bw GmbH refers to the MARGIT 2025 Decision, Annex I. |
According to Art. 30 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/460 of 16 March establishing a network code on harmonised transmission tariff structures, European transmission system operators are obliged to publish information prior to the tariff period.
Publication obligations according to Art. 30 Regulation (EU) 2017/460 (NC TAR) (as of: 29.11.2024)
Annex for publication obligations to Art. 30 (Excel-file) (as of: 29.11.2024)
Information on balancing group management, the Virtual Trading Point (VTP), on provision of billing and system energy data as well as on system energy management is available on the Trading Hub Europe GmbH website at
NC BAL - Network code for gas balancing in transmission systems
NC CAM - Network code on mechanisms for allocating capacity in transmission systems
NC INT - Network code with stipulations for interoperability and data exchange
NC TAR - Network code on harmonised transmission tariff structures
Current Cooperation Agreements:
Cooperation Agreement XIV valid from 01.10.2024
General and Supplementary Terms and Conditions for the Entry and Exit Contract - valid for transmission from 01.10.2024
Cooperation Agreement XIII.1 valid from 01.10.2022
General and Supplementary Terms and Conditions for the Entry and Exit Contract - valid for transmission from 01.10.2022
Non-binding Comparison of Terms and Conditions for the Entry and Exit Contract of 12.08.2022 and 22.03.2024
Past Cooperation Agreements:
Cooperation Agreement XII valid from 01.10.2021
General and Supplementary Terms and Conditions for the Entry and Exit Contract - valid for transmission from 01.10.2021
Non-binding Comparison of the Terms and Conditions for the Entry and Exit Contract of 31.03.2020 and 31.03.2021
Cooperation Agreement XI valid from 01.10.2020
General and Supplementary Terms and Conditions for the Entry and Exit Contract - valid for transmission from 01.10.2020
Non-binding Comparison of the Terms and Conditions for the Entry and Exit Contract of 31.10.2019 and 31.03.2020
Cooperation Agreement X-2 valid from 01.01.2020
General and Supplementary Terms and Conditions for the Entry and Exit Contract - valid for transmission from 01.01.2020
Non-binding Comparison of the Terms and Conditions for the Entry and Exit Contract of 30.04.2019 and 31.10.2019
Cooperation Agreement X-1 valid from 01.06.2019
General and Supplementary Conditions for the Entry and Exit Contract - valid for transmission from 01.06.2019
Non-binding Comparison of Terms and Conditions for the Entry and Exit Contract of 31.07.2018 and 30.04.2019
Cooperation Agreement X valid from 01.10.2018
General and Supplementary COnditions for the Entry and Exit Contract - valid from 01.10.2018
Procedure for calculating technical entry and exit capacities:
Procedure for calculating technical entry and exit capacities (PDF, 493 KB)
Information on current capacity utilisation:
Capacity utilasation (PDF, 493 KB)
Historical capacity utilisation of the last five years:
Capacity utilisation 2017
Capacity utilisation 2018
Capacity utilisation 2019
Capacity utilisation 2020
Capacity utilisation 2021
Historical technical capacities of the last five years:
Technical Capacity 2018
Technical Capacity 2019
Technical Capacity 2020
Technical Capacity 2021
Technical Capacity 2022
terranets bw guidelines
Planning information Systems
Planning information
Technical minimum requiremetns Metering terranets bw (valid until 02.08.2022)
Technical minimum requirements Metering terranets bw (valid from 03.08.2022)
Technical minimum requirements Biogas
EASEE Gas Nomination & Matching Process
The results of the calls for tender for load flow commitments (LFC) and of the calls for tender for load flow commitments in the form of shutdown contracts (LiFA) for the years 2013 to 2023 are available below:
2013 - results call for tender LFC
2014 - results call for tender LFC
2015 - results call for tender LFC
2016 - results call for tender LFC
2017 - results call for tender LFC
2018 - results call for tender LFC
2018 - results call for tender - LiFA
2019 - results call for tender LFC
2019 - results call for tender - LiFA
2020 - results call for tender LFC
2020 - results call for tender - LiFA
2021 - results call for tender - LiFA
2021 - results call for tender LFC
2022 - results call for tender - LiFA
2022 - results call for tender LFC
2022 - results call for tender LFC after first return
2022 - results call for tender LFC after second return
2023 - results call for tender - LiFA
2023 - results call for tender LFC
2024 - results call for tender LFC
SDB natural gas, dried (03/2021)
Information Hazardous Incident Ordinance Natural Gas Storage Facility Sandhausen (02/2021)
By mutual agreement, terranets bw provides upstream and downstream grid operators with meter readings taken at common network interconnection points. Data deliveries occur daily (preliminary data) for the respective previous day and monthly (final data) for the respective previous month. Provision of final data occurs by mutual agreement from the 6th working day of a subsequent month (M+6).